Photo Credit: Jose Pinelo

Gone but will never be forgotten


In 2006 an idea began. It took over 3 months to forge our first jungle path with the help of a bulldozer and 6 men who braved the dense jungle with machetes. Finally, in 2007, Outback Trails was born with 8 horses. Today we have many more trails which we have divided into 3 different main adventures and a team of 20 well trained trail horses to suit riders of all levels.

Our objective: To use the best possible, healthy & happy horses to show locals and visitors alike the hidden side of the beautiful Belize that we know -  the amazing fauna and mysterious places hidden away from mainstream Belize. A world of green, full of sound and flashes of movement. All viewed and enjoyed from the comfort and back of a trustworthy horse. Working alongside the fascinating local horsemen to achieve this dream has been a fun and learning journey.  

At over 15 years of our first riding tour, we feel that our mission has been accomplished. Working with incredible like-minded horsemen, Outback Trails offers the most incredible riding routes always on board excellent, well cared for horses!